
Dear NCS Parents, 

We hope you and your family are well and are enjoying your summer!  It is flying by so quickly!  The Administrative Team and Teaching Staff here at North Christian School have been busy this summer making plans for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.  Our first day of school is scheduled for Thursday, August 18, 2022. 

We are also making plans for a great “Back to School Night” event for all of you on:

Tuesday, August 16th. 

To allow for flexibility in your schedule, our event will run from 3:00pm to 6:30pm.  At a time that works best for you, please enter NCS through the gym doors, where you will pick up your packet of forms to be completed for your student from Ms. Vicki Lyons, School Secretary.  You will then be directed/escorted to your student’s classroom to meet with their teacher(s) where they will go over classroom expectations and can answer any questions you might have for them.  Your students are encouraged to attend this event with you as it should prove to be a fun start to a great year!   

We are looking forward to a fantastic school year and feel very blessed to have you and your family as a part of the story that God is writing here at North Christian School! 

 We value your input and would like to answer any questions that you may have for us. Please fill out the form below if you would like to comment or ask a question: