Hello NCS Families,

It is our tradition to celebrate birthdays at North!  It is such a special day for the children.  We want to continue to do so, but with a few adjustments along the way.  We will continue to celebrate in the following ways:

1.       Sing Happy Birthday to the child on their actual birthday in the classroom. We will make them feel special and acknowledge them all day.

2.       Classroom teacher will give the student a balloon, crown, trinket, or bracelet from Vicki to make them feel special. Parents can donate non-food items to the teacher if they want to help.

3.       Parents DO NOT send in food items on their actual birthday.  We decided this because:

a.       Not all students can participate due to allergies.

b.       Not all students can afford to buy food for the whole class.

c.       Food waste is a big concern.

d.       Some days we have back-to-back birthdays and parties.

e.       Parents should not feel like they need to do this because other parents do.

4.       We will celebrate all birthdays on the same day of the month by having a mini party at lunch time.  The last Friday of every month we will serve pizza for lunch.  Birthday students eat FREE compliments of North Christian School.  They will receive a pizza voucher on their birthday and can turn it in at lunchtime for a free meal!  The PTO will provide a treat on this day, which means ALL parents are off the hook!  If you would like to participate by donating something on this day, please join our PTO and help us make this new adventure successful!  Parents of birthday month students can join them at lunchtime on their day.

5.       PreK 3 and PreK 4 parents, we will participate in this too!  Although most students do not eat lunch at the PreK level, we want them to feel special.  On Celebrate Birthday Fridays, we will offer your students’ pizza and a treat too! PreK 2 parents, since your students only come on Tuesday and Thursday, we will make arrangements for a special treat on the Thursday prior. 

6.       Summer Birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the year in May, so they do not miss out!

7.       Classrooms may still have Holiday Celebrations where teachers will ask you for food donations.

We understand that this is taking a different approach, but we feel this is best overall for our school.  We will start this beginning October 20th, which is the last Friday of October we are here.  There will still be PLENTY of opportunities for fun!  If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.  We do ask for your support and hope that you all understand. 


Here are the days we will celebrate each month:

October 20th, 2023

November 17th, 2023

December 15th, 2023

January 26th, 2024

February 23rd, 2024

March 22, 2024

April 26, 2024

May 17th, 2024