NCS Playground Project

Fund the Fun!

North Christian School promotes student physical fitness, good health habits, and wise use of the body as the 'Temple of God." Playgrounds help us do this by providing a safe space for children to make memories while interacting with their friends playing, exercising, and problem-solving.

Though both of our playgrounds are operational at this time, they are reaching an age where it's time to start looking at replacing them. New play structures come with many benefits as well as added safety features.

No more mulch!

Mulch will be replaced with rubber tiles eliminating the mess and adding extra safety to the playground.

Active Learning

New equipment provides ways for children to be active and learn at the same time!

Large Capacity

Structures are large enough for more than one class to play at the same time.

Safe Environment

Play structures meet ADA guidelines and is commercially compliant with AST & CSPC.


$85,000: 3 structures + rubber tiles

Rainbow Lake

Rainbow Lake has three towers with 10 activities including 6' wave slide, 6' deluxe rock climb, 4' straight slide, bass drum, bongo drum, rain wheel, 4' ultra mountain climber, bone bridge, ship's wheel panel, and window panel. Capacity: 15-12

Cumberland Gap

The kids will love this playground which includes 4' straight slide, 4' curve slide, bench seat, bass drum, bongo drum, rain wheel, game panel, ship's wheel, window panel, vine climber, and bone bridge. Capacity: 20-30

Discovery Center 5 (Pre-K)

This five-deck structure comes with a vine climber, store panel, straight slide, curved slide, award-winning Touch Math panel, bench seat, gear panel, clock panel, telescope, shapes & colors panel, bongo drum, and a rain wheel. Capacity: 20-25

$65,000: 2 structures + rubber title

Big Sky

Kids will love the variety of climbers and slides on this four-deck structure. They can scale the vine climber or deluxe rock climb to reach the summit before they glide down one of three slides. The structure also includes bridges, drums, rain wheel, and more. Capacity: 35-45

Discovery Center 5 (Pre-K)

This five-deck structure comes with a vine climber, store panel, straight slide, curved slide, award-winning Touch Math panel, bench seat, gear panel, clock panel, telescope, shapes & colors panel, bongo drum, and a rain wheel. Capacity: 20-25

$46,000: 2 structures + rubber tiles

Rainbow Lake

Rainbow Lake has three towers with 10 activities including 6' wave slide, 6' deluxe rock climb, 4' straight slide, bass drum, bongo drum, rain wheel, 4' ultra mountain climber, bone bridge, ship's wheel panel, and window panel. Capacity: 15-12

Discovery Ridge (Pre-K)

The two-deck structure is designed with a variety of developmental and educational activities. It provides music and movement opportunities as children play the rain wheel and bongo drums, encouraging self-expression. Capacity: 10-15

$37,000: 2 structures + rubber tile for one

Cumberland Gap

The kids will love this playground which includes 4' straight slide, 4' curve slide, bench seat, bass drum, bongo drum, rain wheel, game panel, ship's wheel, window panel, vine climber, and bone bridge. Capacity: 20-30

Discovery Ridge (Pre-K)

The two-deck structure is designed with a variety of developmental and educational activities. It provides music and movement opportunities as children play the rain wheel and bongo drums, encouraging self-expression. Capacity: 10-15

$15,000: 1 structure, no rubber tile


Signal Springs

This compact structure includes a crawl tunnel, window panel, ship's wheel, bass drum, bongo drums, rain wheel, vine climber, straight slide, and curved slide. Capacity: 15-20

How YOU can help!

During the 2022-23 school year, all fundraising proceeds will go towards replacing the playground equipment. You can help by getting involved and supporting the various fundraising efforts throughout the year. You can also donate by clicking on the link below and choosing “NCS Playground” from the drop-down menu under the “Give Now” button.